For a monthly fee you get 3 clothing items and two accessories. You can select items to add to your "closet" and LeTote stylists pick out items for you. You can finalize your tote before they send it to you in case you want to swap anything out. After your tote arrives you wear it and send it back. Yup, it's that easy. Did I mention there's free shipping both ways? You can of course keep and purchase any items you love at discount prices. As soon as you ship your tote back you get a new one. Boom. Unlimited closet.
If you're anything at all like me you have an overflowing closet of stuff and always seem to feel like you have nothing to wear. LeTote is a super easy and fantastic way to switch up your wardrobe without breaking the bank. Did I mention how much I love it?
Join now and get unlimited access to clothing and accessories.